Fresh Start…

Not a huge fan of introductions so Ima just go ahead and refer you to the about page if your so inclined to know more with out really knowing anything.. you know what I mean?  No?  That’s okay.

Any way, I actually kinda hate the phrase “fresh start” which makes it even more ironic that Id make it my first blog post title but uh I digress.  Lately my little family  (consisting of me, my hubs and our two girls 8 & 4) have been all about fresh starts.  I mean we’ve hit some totally unfortunate speed bumps but what can you do that shit happens right?  Well I suppose others may have a different opinion of what I can do but you know what they say about opinions right?  Good.  Most recent fresh start?  We bought a house.  Our first house actually which is really kinda spectacular.  Getting to do things I never could before and enjoying the strange bliss of being able to walk around in the nude and no one will ever know…  Having the freedom to do things the way you wanna do them and for us a true fresh start into new things because the old things weren’t really working out for us.

I had a blog before, I stopped a while ago because it got to gimmicky for my liking not so into selling/advertising/competition thing that was taking it over so I stopped,  but this too is a fresh start because I miss the creative outlet and am super happy to try again…

Here’s hoping it goes well and I don’t bore you too much..  who am I kidding I probably will unless you too are a mom and house wife (that word ugh)  in which case I respect you on either grounds.


PS.  This photo literally has nothing to do with anything its just me being a weirdo and taking pictures of myself taking a picture…  and your welcome 🙂



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